No. 1 Shaft and Crusher House |
There are three main shafts, 400, 500 and 115 feet deep, respectively. No. 1 shaft is 401 feet deep, is sunk on distinct vein, has five levels, work has been done on three distinct veins, varying in width from 8 to 50 feet, and there has been drifted upon these for a total of over 1,500 feet. |
No. 3 shaft is about 500 feet deep, is sunk on No. 3 vein near its junction with no. 4 vein; there are five levels in this shaft; work has been done on four distinct veins, varying from 6 to 35 feet wide, and these have been drifted upon for a total of over 2,200 feet. No. 3 shaft is 1,200 feet east from no. 1 shaft; when work was started here it was supposed to be on the same vein as no. 1, but the writer has good reason for believing that these two shafts are on different veins, the general make-up of the vein filling is not the same, and the strike as found by surveying indicates that there are two veins more or less parallel and the discovery of a vein north of shaft on 500-foot level serves to confirm this. |