

The Nineteenth Century - Part 2

In the mid 1840's Aultsville had about 120 residents and one tavern. The arrival of the Grand Trunk Railway in 1856 opened a new period of growth and prosperity for Aultsville. By the 1870's the village's population had jumped to 400. In addition to the railway, there was also a rather crude 'passenger ferry' operating between Aultsville and Louisville Landing, New York during the summer. The village continued to grow adding a second brickyard, owned by Thomas McConnell, the Riverview Hotel and a general store and cheese factory operated by John Croils and Alexander McCullough. Butter and cheese from Croils'and McCulloughs' factory, located near the railway station, was frequently shipped to Montreal for sale. An elementary school was built in 1864.

Isaiah AultIsaiah Ault [ca. 1870s]

Notwithstanding its deep roots in confederation, Aultsville contributed in a surprising way to Canada's agricultural history. In 1881 farmer Michael Cook imported the first Holstein-Friesian cattle, nine cows and one bull, to Canada. Today, about 95 per cent of all dairy products produced in this country originate either from Holsteins or cattle with Holstein mix. Aultsville was also privileged to have two physicians, Dr. Samuel Hickey and Dr. Edward D'Arcy Ault, the son of Samuel Ault. Dr. Ault was also active in both the Masons and St. Matthews Presbyterian Church at Woodlands.

The late 1880's saw a number of long-term changes that would play important parts in Aultsville's future. After Aultsville outgrew its old railway station, a new station, with separate waiting rooms for the gents and ladies, was constructed in 1889. The village also gained a new church when St. Peter's Anglican Church was established. A new chapter was opened with the arrival of one family who would later figure very prominently in the community, the Jarvis family.

James Jarvis and his large family arrived from Harbour Grace Newfoundland around 1887. In 1890 he purchased the store from John Croil and Alexander McCullough. Then he moved into a two-storey home, with a long rambling porch, that was adjacent to the railway and facing the highway. Although the Jarvis home hardly qualified as prime residential real estate, it proved to be an excellent location for a new business. After James' son Doug purchased a new home, the old family home was converted into a general store, operating under the name of James D. Jarvis and Son.